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Join the MAU Meme Coin Revolution

Welcome to MAU, a unique meme coin that fuses the fandom of felines with the unpredictable thrill of the crypto world. Our coin, inspired by the captivating charm of Egyptian Mau and Arabian Mau cats, is all set to make a grand impact in the Venom chain. Being a part of this journey allows you to tap into an innovative digital currency experience, backed by solid blockchain technology and a fun-loving community.

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Inspired by Cat Fandom

Our love for Egyptian Mau and Arabian Mau cats has inspired us to create MAU. This infuses a special charm and unique value to our meme coin, making it a fun investment.

Pre-Launch Exclusive Offers

Join the MAU Coin community of investors right before the launch. Get exclusive access to pre-launch offers, guaranteed returns and opportunity to be part of early supporters.

(App Coming Soon)

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Open-Source Crypto Ecosystem: Empowering Transparency and Innovation

Explore the inner workings of our TIP-3 token standard coin contract deployed on the Venom Chain. This smart contract empowers the creation and management of our native cryptocurrency, fostering a decentralized economy built on trust and efficiency.


Our robust backend system serves as the backbone of our platform, facilitating seamless interactions between users and the blockchain. Utilizing advanced verification mechanisms, it ensures the security and validity of wallet addresses while orchestrating the distribution of airdrops to our community.

Mobile Application

Engage with our mobile application, your gateway to the crypto world. Seamlessly integrated with social media platforms like Twitter, it enables users to participate in our ecosystem by following, tweeting, and receiving airdrops. Enter your wallet address and witness the magic unfold as our system verifies your eligibility and rewards your engagement.

Unlock a universe of themed fun with the unique MAU Coin in your cryptocurrency portfolio